Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tips For An Online Chemistry Tutor

Tips For An Online Chemistry TutorAn online chemistry tutor company that has published its alkane nomenclature has also published its chart of gases and the chemical constituents and properties of all the different planes. In this way, students can learn about the various elements and molecules used in the formation of the various alkanes. This is another great thing to have a working knowledge of as students will learn about how compounds are formed through this chart.This chart can be accessed online and is very helpful for students studying various compound development as well as their structure. However, there are a number of things that need to be kept in mind when researching online materials. The chart presented in the online form is an electronic file and it may contain incorrect information that needs to be corrected.Students should always be wary when accessing online materials and they should always verify the information that is provided for verification purposes. It is a lso important to be cautious about the websites that offer online materials as some of them have very little credibility. Their reliability could actually be nil as there are some illegal websites out there that have already been cited by courts as fraudulent in nature.In case students find that the online material presented by a certain online tutor is incorrect, they should get in touch with the institution and inform them that they are unhappy with the material. The tutors that are genuine and have a proper reputation for providing a good service will not provide any misinformation or false information in their materials. It is essential for students to know their responsibility when dealing with online material. For example, they should always check whether the alkane nomenclature has been included in the chart.In case students find that the online material is incomplete or inaccurate, they should contact the institution and request that the material be rectified. It is very eas y to access online materials and the most common place to do so is at home. However, students should always be careful when it comes to studying materials online as there are many sites that have been found to provide incorrect information.A student can often check whether the alkane nomenclature has been included in the online material before accessing it. They should always look at the material that they intend to study before making any purchases. It is advisable for students to take the help of online advisors who can assist them in ensuring that the materials that they are purchasing are error free.Students must also make sure that the online tutor does not charge extra for consulting or advising. Most online content providers charge by the session and students should ensure that they do not have to pay for consultancy from an online tutor. They should also be made aware of any additional charges that may be associated with the materials that they purchase.The tutor will probab ly have more to offer the students that they employ than just providing them with information. It is important for students to remember that they will learn more if they invest time and effort into learning. This is especially true in the field of chemistry and this is where online material is very useful and beneficial for the students.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Is Online English Teaching and Learning the Right Choice?

Is Online English Teaching and Learning the Right Choice?English teaching & learning online is no longer just a dream for the college degree seekers and private tutors. It is becoming a reality with the rise of Internet websites providing English teaching tools and courses to the aspiring teachers and tutors from across the globe.In spite of the fact that there are plenty of opportunities for such teaching and learning skills in today's times, the student teachers and the college-going students who wish to advance into such fields do not think of it as a possibility because they think that there is no need for this option and that there is no easy way to learn this language. And thus there is a vast confusion amongst those who are considering the offering of English learning and teaching services. For the past one and half decades, there have been scores of institutes which provide such online courses for the student teachers and the students.However, in this era, the internet ha s made the world a smaller place. One can now find it easier to find the possible opportunities and solutions that are available even in remote places. This aspect has made it easier for the students to find various ways of making the English teaching and learning easy. They can choose the best option for them.But, the first thing that the student teacher or the students should know about English teaching and learning online is that the problem of working is not so high in this era. So, finding a job while studying is more available to the students and the student teachers.The second thing that the students should understand about this online option is that the new generation of students knows all these things. Therefore, they are more open about this option and they are more ready to learn any English teaching tool. The most effective reason for this increase in the number of students opting for online colleges and institutes is the fact that they are more open to get the online ed ucation.The major reason for this is the fact that they are not spending their valuable time and energy for conducting an examination for getting an online degree in English. That is why most of the online schools and colleges prefer to give out degrees in English. The students are more open in a modern generation to having an English education, and they are more open to the online courses offered by English teaching and learning institutions.Therefore, you can say that there is a greater chance for the student to find out the right English teaching and learning institution and to study in this field than to go to the university or the college for completing his education. So, the question of finding the right English teaching and learning institution or program becomes easier to answer. And, the students can find out the right type of English teaching and learning options.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Use Online Tutoring For Personal Or Business Improvement

How To Use Online Tutoring For Personal Or Business ImprovementWhen you are working towards an online degree or a community college degree, it is possible to obtain a tutor from a good tutor service provider. Many people also utilize tutoring for their children. When you work in the tutoring field, your first concern will be to see that you get enough practice from different tutors. You can find some sites where you can check on some free trial periods.Tutoring for adults has become more popular in recent years. Most people feel that with the internet these days, you can easily access any information at anytime and that it can be easily obtained. With the advancement of technology, more people have started using online tutoring as a way to supplement their income. While there are some drawbacks associated with it, it is still a good option for most people.Many self-employed people are able to use the internet for quick searches. Once you are able to find the best online tutoring serv ice, you can then contact that tutoring service and make an appointment for a test or even a business consultation. By using the internet, you can find hundreds of tutoring websites. The good thing about online tutoring is that it is convenient and you will be able to gain valuable knowledge without having to leave your home.There are many tutors who have great flexibility with their schedules. If you do not find a suitable one for yourself, you can always search for another. Tutoring can be done for free, but you have to make sure that you know the correct procedure. It is not a good idea to sign up for an unlimited trial period.If you are looking for a tutor who will help you learn the basics and the fundamentals of playing piano, you can choose one who is comfortable with a faster tempo. Sometimes, the instructor might call on a slow tempo because he is putting emphasis on a particular part of the piece. The simple thing is to practice with someone who is very fast paced.The adva ntage of having a tutor is that you are able to improve your playing in a short period of time. The person will also give you extra confidence since he or she has already had an experience with you. With the more competent player, you will be able to get faster results with less effort.Once you become a skilled student, you will be ready to play on a high level. To become one, you will need to learn from the top players. Many times, the experienced players will even take you under their wing in order to mentor you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Should I Go To Yale University

Should I Go To Yale University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Eva graduated from Yale University in 2010 with a Bachelors degree in Psychology. She is a Boston tutor specializing in Biology tutoring, Reading tutoring, Algebra tutoring, and much more. See what she had to say about her undergraduate experience: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Eva: Yale is located in the heart of downtown New Haven (my hometown!), and students are required to live on campus the first two years, making transportation a non-issue. As upperclassmen, however, students often do move off campus, but there are lots of apartments right near campus. Nevertheless, there is a wonderful shuttle system that you can track on your phone. The bus picks up at certain locations and runs regularly all day 7 days/week, and even picks up at the train station for students coming back from break. At night there are smaller vans that you can call to be picked up if its too late to walk home or there is inclement weather. It is an urban setting, and like any city, being street smart is important for keeping safe. However, Yale Police and New Haven Police are a strong presence and if you are aware of your surroundings and stay around campus you will be fine. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Eva: Professors are very available they all offer office hours to meet with students and all full professors (tenured, etc.) are required to teach undergraduates, so you get access to top scholars in their fields. The T.A.s are also very available for meeting to discuss an assignment, and in my experience were very knowledgeable about the course. Academic advisors are assigned in freshman year and then you choose an advisor within your major once youve decided on one. There is additional advisement available from the Deans of each college (dorms you are assigned to for all four years, sort of like Harry Potter) who help with academic decisions and are available for recommendation letters and career advice. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Eva: Dorm life is fantastic! The community feel of the colleges is wonderful and everyone tends to have a lot of college pride thanks to intramural competitions between the colleges. The dining halls (one within each college) serve delicious, sustainable and often organic and locally grown food. There are tons of options and is all buffet style so you can eat your full. The dorms are located all over campus, mostly clustered in a few locations, but are all convenient to classroom buildings. Rooms vary depending on which college you are in, but tend to be spacious, clustered into several room suites with large common spaces, and shared bathrooms with other suites. Another perk is that each college has its own library and gym so in the winter months you dont have to brave the weather much. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Eva: Its hard to say which majors are best represented and supported because in my experience they all seemed to be well supported. I was a Psychology major because I fell in love with the subject during a freshman Intro course, and as one of the largest majors at Yale, it is very well supported with an impressive faculty of leading scholars. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Eva: It was incredibly easy to meet people as a freshman all freshmen live on Old Campus, a quad surrounded by dorm buildings dedicated to freshmen and freshmen counsellors (seniors selected by their colleges master and dean to mentor incoming students). Because they are all in the same location, meeting other freshmen is incredibly easy. Greek life has recently become more significant, with the three on-campus sororities doubling or tripling in size. The 7 + fraternities always maintain steady numbers and are a great source for socializing events on campus. However, joining Greek life is in no way a pre-rec for having a social life, as there are (if I recall correctly) roughly 4 student organizations per student on campus. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Eva: The Career Center is very helpful both as an undergraduate and as an alumnus, as the services are available to you forever after you graduate. Career Services is available to practice interviewing and workshop your resume and cover letter at no cost. The staff are knowledgeable and skilled at what they do. Tons of very desirable companies recruit on campus in all fields, holding on-campus interviews as well as attending career fairs on campus. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Eva: As I mentioned, there is a library in each of the twelve colleges, and there are several additional libraries around campus (both main libraries such as Sterling and Bass, and specialized ones such as the music library and the art and architecture library). They are very available, particularly because the in-college libraries are open 24/7, and due to the sheer number of libraries, they are rarely overcrowded. The colleges also all have large common rooms and basement lounge areas for students to use at all hours. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Eva: New Haven, in my admittedly biased opinion, is a great town to go to school in. There are at least two distinct restaurant districts (with NYC-quality food) and the town is known for its theater offerings (both from the Yale School of Drama and the nationally renowned Schubert Theater that brings in shows from NYC). There are local parks and places to hike if you enjoy the outdoors, and there are also many galleries for those who enjoy non-theatrical art. The city is a quick train ride from NYC, which makes weekend trips easy. Finally, New Haven is known for its pizza and for inventing the original hamburger just one part of the citys long history (there are also tons of museums for history-files) that must be checked out. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Eva: The student body is around 5,000 and most classes have less than 20 people unless they are large lecture/Intro courses. This allows for wonderful discussion and collaborative learning with other students and professors, and for personalized attention. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Eva: One memorable experience was in my Developmental Psychology class when the professor taught from his soon-to-be-published textbook. The class bought the text book as an unbound book, complete with temporary, novice-drawn illustrations that would be redone by professionals when the book was published. The text was wonderful (and entertaining) and the professor is an expert in the field, but seeing the silly place-holders in the text and hearing the professor lecture and recognizing his speaking style in the books text was a memorable experience. Its a pretty incredible (though not uncommon at Yale) experience to be taught a course by your textbooks author. Check out Evas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

ACT Writing Test

ACT Writing Test ACT, also known as American College Testing is the student assessment test taken by high school students to get into good colleges and universities in the United States. ACT exam consists of 4 main sections: English, Mathematics, Reading and Science reasoning. There is an optional Writing section which the students can prefer if they want their ACT scores including their writing score. ACT writing test is for 30 minutes time span. In the Writing section, the students are given a topic or an issue and there will be two points of view on that issue. Students have to write an essay by understanding the given issue and by supporting any one point of view in the given options or can also present their own point of view. In this writing test, students have to first properly understand the given topic and should think about which perspective they support. ACT writing test is only for 30 minutes and it measures students skills in writing and their ability to present their opinion in a soft convincing way. The reader should be able to understand the explanation or the point of view of the writer, and hence the student should put forward their point of opinion in a very clear and logical way. Vague statements can leave the reader confused about the issue, and hence students must try to use precise words and good sentence structures so that the essay contains good organization of thoughts and ideas.

How You Can Learn to Sing Online

How You Can Learn to Sing Online Multimedia Tools Apps to Improve your Singing Voice ChaptersKaraoke AppsHow Can You Download Karaoke Videos?Tools for Recording Your VoiceThe Best Sites for Learning Music TheoryThere are plenty of benefits to singing: It’s good for moral, can improve your mood, and also comes with a number of physiological benefits. There’s also studies showing that singing can improve your vocal muscles and reduce snoring.Rather than detailing all the benefits of working on your singing voice, in this article, we’re going to go over a unique type of vocal training to help you learn how to sing.Do you tend to break into song at random moments throughout the day?Are you unashamedly one of those people who always sings in the shower?If so, this is the article for you. If you’re too nervous to sing a song in public because you’re afraid of singing out of tune, here are some tips to find your voice and improve your singing quickly...Singplay: Firstly, it’s free! Secondly, it can convert the mp3s from your smartphone or tablet into karaoke tra cks.Yokee: This app has an impressive library of tracks and allows you to add effects to your voice. While it’s free, there are in-app purchases which can actually set you back a significant amount of money.The Voice: On Stage: If you’re a fan of the TV show, you’re going to love this app. Put yourself in the shoes of a contestant and unlock new songs through your performances. Competitive people will love it.Sing! Karaoke by Smule: If you want to compare yourself to other singers, this is the app you’ll need since you can sing with other connected users. By paying a few quid for the premium version, you’ll gain access to 800,000 titles which should keep you busy for a while.You can also check out Red Karaoke Sing Record or StarMaker...Generally, karaoke apps allow you to record and work on your voice, to share your performances on social networks, and add effects to your voice (reverb, echo, etc,). Not only will these features help you improve your singing, they can help make the learning process more fun. Bit by bit, you’ll start gaining some self-confidence.If you're living in a big city, find singing lessons London or  singing lessons Manchester and start to learn how to sing like a pro. Or check out singing lessons online.How Can You Download Karaoke Videos?Now that we’ve established the essential mobile apps that every amateur singer should download, let’s have a look at how you can download karaoke videos.In just a few clicks, you can prepare an evening of party games.Make your parties more interesting with karaoke! (Source: pixabay.com)There are a few options available to those who’d like to download videos and instrumental versions of songs with the lyrics. Don’t forget that YouTube has an impressive number of karaoke videos. As always, in terms of music, it’s your best friend for successful karaoke nights. Don’t forget to look for singing tutorials online, too. You’ll find tonnes of useful tips and tricks for improving your voice.Similarly, you could opt to pay for Karafun and enjoy the platform without adverts and having to look all over the place for karaoke videos. When you subscribe, you can access a database of around 27,000 titles and save your favourites to your computer.There are plenty of sites that also allow you to directly download karaoke videos. You can use them to build your own personal repertoire of karaoke songs for practising your singing or making your evenings unforgettable.If you want to get things moving along even more quickly and improve your vocal technique, you should consider downloading the best (free) apps so that you can work on your singing.Kanto Karaoke: A veritable professional studio, this singing app includes a mixing deck and the option to easily record your voice. You can also convert midi files into mp3s and build your own personalised playlist.Siglos Karaoke Player: This app, which plays and records karaoke, also allows you to change the key of a song that doesn ’t correspond to your range.Karaokay: Simple and easy to use, this singing app is really useful for those who’ve just started singing.Tools for Recording Your VoiceSinging your favourite tunes in front of the mirror is fun. However, if your goal is to improve your singing, you have to regularly work on your singing and the songs you’d like to perform. This starts by first recording your own voice.This is a simple and effective technique even though it can be a little disappointing the first few times you hear yourself singing. While the recording’s accurate, you’ll need to move on from it. Motivate yourself to keep trying and improving. You’ll soon become aware of the qualities and flaws of your voice.Investing in good equipment pays dividends when it comes to improving your singing. (Source:  pixabay.com)So let’s not waste any more time and get the necessary equipment for recording your voice. It’s quite simple to create a home studio or mini recording studio with j ust a few carefully-chosen devices and programmes:Microphone: This is essential. Recording yourself with the built-in microphone on your computer isn’t the best way to achieve good sound quality. It’s much better to get a good external microphone with anti-pop and a stand.Headphones or speakers: These are useful for listening to your recordings without affecting the sound quality.A Programme like Audacity. This programme is the most downloaded and, best of all, it’s free! It’s easy to use and a favourite amongst amateur artists and music lovers. It can record digital audio files (.wav, .mp3) and inlcludes a number of functions such as filters, tempo, volume, voice changers, etc. You can also remove the vocals from songs in order to turn them into instrumental versions.Before recording your voice, try to create the perfect conditions:Find a calm and quiet place where you won’t be bothered by background noises that’ll be picked up on the recording.Test your microphone in o rder to check the levels and settings (it can be pretty pointless to finish recording a song only to find out that you can’t even hear your voice!).If possible, you should film yourself as you record your voice since if you want to perform in front of a audience, your stage presence is as important as your singing!The Best Sites for Learning Music TheoryIt’s not enough to just sing in order to improve your voice, you need to understand the underlying concepts of music and, in particular, music theory. Good musical training is really important when it comes to being able to sing well.Do you have a good ear for music and a beautiful voice?If you want to become a good singer, this is an essential part of it. Singing by just listening has its limits. Furthermore, this can open a whole wealth of new possibilities. Whether you want to sing in a group or on your own, you should read the music and learn the notes. That means you’re going to have to learn music theory.While this might seem impossible in the beginning, the internet is here to help you. You can easily learn music theory activities online.Which are the best sites for easily learning music theory?You can find plenty of sites (including ones for children) with fun tools for learning the names of the notes, reading sheet music, understanding the differences between sharps and flats, learning scales, etc.If you want to improve your singing, you'll need to study music theory. (Source: pixabay.com)WebsiteContentOne Minute Music LessonThis site is one of the best around. It includes short video lessons covering even the most basic concepts of music theory.MetronimoYou can learn music theory with games thanks to this site aimed at children. There’s an app you can download for free.MusicTheory.netThis site has interactive music theory activities for you to practise what you’ve learnt.TeoríaThis site includes varied resources on music theory and tutorials. There are also exercises for training your ear.T oneSavvyThis site (which was formerly known as eMusicTheory) includes a plethora of music theory resources for both students and teachers.Despite all the tools available, learning to sing can be really difficult if you never take a single singing lesson and don't get help from a singing teacher. It’s all up to you to objectively analyse your performance and singing techniques, choose the right warm up exercises to train your vocal chords, and making sure you're in tune.If you want to improve quickly, you should also try and develop good habits:Warm up your voice with vocal exercisesDo breathing exercisesAdopt the right positionBroaden your vocal rangeLearn to breathe correctlyArticulate yourself wellEtc.When learning without a vocal coach, we can sometimes pick up bad habits. With the right vocal warmups, you’ll be able to sing better without straining your vocal chords too much.If you have the chance to go to a singing school or take private tutorials with a singing coach, you should definitely consider them as you’ll soon become the star of your karaoke nights! With a bit of talent and the help of YouTube, you might become the next big star!

Stop! 6 Musical Theatre Audition Songs to Avoid at All Costs

Stop! 6 Musical Theatre Audition Songs to Avoid at All Costs Suzy S. Selecting the right repertoire is a big part of a successful audition but be careful, as there are so many overdone musical theatre audition songs out there. Here,  Molly R.  shares six songs to avoid and what to try instead! With musical theatre auditions, often the toughest part isnt the audition itself, but instead making a decision on what to sing. I’m here to help narrow it down by telling you what NOT to sing in an audition the overdone musical theatre audition songs. Keep in mind that audition panels have been listening to actors/singers all day long (or much longer!), and there are many songs they would rather not hear ever done again, even if they are done well. Don’t annoy these panels. Instead, make them love you by kindly avoiding these overdone musical theatre songs. 1. “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables OK, so it worked for Susan Boyle. But that’s the problem! People have already been singing from Les Miserables for more than 20 years but once she became an Internet sensation, even more women went into auditions with this ballad. Not a smart choice. Save it for the shower! If you like singing from big, bold musicals, I suggest you look at Frank Wildhorn shows instead. “Scarlet Pimpernel” is very similar in style to “Les Miserables,” but no one ever sings from this show, as it was a big flop! A solo you may like from Scarlet Pimpernel is “Only Love.” 2. “Corner of the Sky from “Pippin” This number has been overdone for more than 40 years now! Tenors, you have much better options than this song. If you like this one, why not try another Stephen Schwartz song, like “All Good Gifts” from “Godspell”? It’s still a song that a panel will know and love, but it’s not something they hear every night at auditions without fail. 3. “Anthem” from “Chess” Sure, it may be a lesser done musical, but this is one of the most overdone musical theatre songs for tenor and high baritones (baritenors). It’s truly a wonderful, dramatic song but again, panels hear it way too often. For a better option, try “Love Can’t Happen” from “Grand Hotel” by Maury Yeston. It’s every bit as soaring and impressive as “Anthem” (if not more so!). 4. “Don’t Rain on My Parade” from “Funny Girl” “Glee” has been great for promoting the art of musical theatre, but  as a result, certain show tunes have become way too popular at auditions. Belters, we all love this song, but there are so many other great tunes that will let you show off your voice! Try either “Look What Happened to Mabel” or “Wherever He Ain’t” from the criminally overlooked “Mack Mabel” by Jerry Herman. Both are incredibly fun and sassy numbers. I promise panels don’t hear them often enough! On another note, do avoid “People” from “Funny Girl,” as well. Many professionals firmly believe this belongs to one singer and one singer only: Barbra Streisand! Lastly, overdone musical theatre songs for kids  include: 5. Where is Love? from Oliver! Boys, look beyond this option, please! There’s a very funny number from the newer musical “A Christmas Story” that you’ll love. Its called “Red Ryder Carbine Action BB Gun, and its Ralphie’s solo. Its a lot of fun to sing, and the audition panel will really enjoy hearing it.   6. Anything from Annie Girls, no “Annie” ever…. unless a panel specifically asks for it. No “Maybe,” and definitely definitely no “Tomorrow”! “Matilda” is a new musical for young girls that is taking Broadway by storm. Look into the tune “Naughty. It will show off your acting skills too! Need more suggestions for which songs are good options at an audition? The video below sums it up perfectly, complete with recommendations for each voice type- Your voice teacher is likely to have lots of other helpful suggestions on interesting musical theatre audition repertoire that will suit you! Don’t have a voice teacher? No problem! TakeLessons is the best place to find one. You can also find more great audition songs  in our list of 400+ songs to sing for every occasion! Post Author: Molly R. teaches online and in-person singing lessons in Hayward, CA. Her specialties include teaching beginner vocalists, shy singers, children, teens, lapsed singers, and older beginners. Learn more about Molly  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Eva Rinaldi

A Student Perspective on University of Wisconsin-Madison

A Student Perspective on University of Wisconsin-Madison Rachel earned her bachelors degree in Spanish, international studies, and global cultures in 2009 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She specializes in Spanish tutoring, English tutoring, and math tutoring, among other subjects. Below she shared her experience as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Rachel: Although the campus is in an urban setting, it is full of gorgeous trees and landscaping. It has a mixture of older and newer buildings, a working dairy, a functional observatory, and several natural areas and gardens. It is adjacent to lake Mendota and downtown Madison. Private businesses and restaurants are right next door to campus buildings. Generally, the campus feels safe. However, it is smart to avoid certain areas at night and have a buddy to walk with at night as well (or just take a bus or taxi). There are various ways of getting around campus. It takes about 20 minutes to walk from one end of the main campus to the other. There are also city buses that run on campus, and each student receives a free bus pass. Students can use other forms of transportation such as mopeds, bicycles, or skateboards. Parking is very limited, so I would recommend leaving your car at home. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Rachel: Even though the University of Wisconsin is a very large school (about 30,000 undergraduate students), professors, advisors, and TAs are still willing to assist any student who reaches out to them for help. Some have drop-by office hours, while others are available by appointment only. I was able to receive assistance from my professors, advisers, and TAs in person and through email. Most professors seemed to especially enjoy discussing course topics and other related material with students. Attending office hours or reaching out to your teachers is also a good way to build relationships with professors or TAs who may serve as a reference or recommender for graduate school or a job. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Rachel: The campus has two sections of dorms: the lakeshore dorms tend to be quieter, while the southeast dorms are louder. There are a wide variety of room set-ups and sizes, depending on the dorm in which you live. You may live alone or with up to two other roommates. There are many dining locations across campus, including cafeterias, pizza pubs, coffee shops, and convenience stores. Dining halls are located close to students residence halls and several are even located within them. There are many types of food, and students pay for each food item individually, allowing them to choose how much and when they want to eat without feeling like they are wasting money. There are numerous opportunities in the dorms to meet and socialize with other students. Residence hall associations and houses within the dorms provide ample activities to help get students involved. I highly recommend that all freshmen and transfer students live in the dorms, as it is a great way to get acclimated to the campus and make new friends. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Rachel: The university has 13 schools and colleges which support over 200 majors. Students are able to be undeclared for quite some time while they fulfill general requirements. Students are also able to change declared majors, even if that means they must switch schools/colleges. I began as an elementary education major within the School of Education, but after determining that that was not the right path for me, I switched to Spanish, international studies, and global cultures within the College of Letters Sciences because I love traveling and experiencing and learning about other languages and cultures. As an elementary education major, I was on track to finish school in five years (this is typical for that major, but not all majors), and I was able to finish in that same amount of time even after switching majors and schools/colleges. There were many opportunities for me to attend extracurricular events and activities related to my majors, and my academic adviser was supportive. Although I learned a lot while at school, the universitys career services were not very helpful in preparing me for the working world; they did not do a good job in helping me figure out what kind of jobs I could do with my degree and how to find them. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Rachel: I made friends within my dorm and through student groups on campus. I also made some acquaintances through class. Thankfully, I was successful at making friends because I searched out opportunities to do so. One could easily get lost in the sea of students and be lonely if they did not actively try to meet other people. Greek life does play a significant role in the campus social life. UW Madison has over 50 fraternities and sororities and about 13% of the student body are members in a fraternity or sorority. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Rachel: As I mentioned previously, I was not impressed with the career center for my particular college, as they were unable to help me find any pertinent job opportunities. However, I was able to receive useful tips on building my resume and preparing for interviews. Each of the different schools and colleges have career fairs with reputable and relevant companies. There are ample opportunities for you to get your resume in the hands of employers and make a good impression on recruiters. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Rachel: The campus is chocked full of places to study. There are dozens of libraries with varying hours and types of places to study: computer labs, plushy chairs, tables, group rooms, stacks, quiet study areas, etc. The unions, dorms, and academic buildings have plenty of places to study as well. Generally, the dorm study rooms tend to be less crowded. Describe the surrounding town. Rachel: Madison is a beautiful, clean city; it has nice foliage and several lakes and parks. It is the seat of the states government with a capitol modeled after our nations capitol. The campus is located in downtown Madison, which makes it a really fun place to be. While students participate in numerous activities on campus, they often frequent the areas of the city that surround the campus too. There are all kinds of activities always going on, and students can visit escape rooms, museums, farmers markets, concert halls, restaurants, and shopping establishments. State Street is a very popular and eclectic place to be; it is full of neat shops, restaurants, etc. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Rachel: The student body is huge! Class sizes vary and depend on the type of class and subject. For example, all of my Spanish grammar courses had around 20 students in them. On the other hand, some of my survey lectures had as many has 400 students! Most large lectures have discussion sections in which students can discuss the class material in a smaller group led by a TA. This really gives students the opportunity to ask any questions they have and understand the material better. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Rachel: As a Spanish major, I was able to take other Romance languages and have a certain number of credits count toward my degree. So, I decided to take Portuguese. The TA did such a good job of teaching me the language and making it enjoyable that I decided to take more Portuguese classes even though none of the credits would count toward my degree or credit total (I did not need any more credits in order to graduate). Since, I have enjoyed speaking to others in Portuguese and using it in my jobs! Im so grateful for that TA and glad that I decided to study Portuguese! Check out Rachels tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Is Chemistry Knowledge Wanted in Career Prospects

Is Chemistry Knowledge Wanted in Career Prospects 0SHARESShare Chemistry is the central Science that links other subjects like Physics, Biology, Environmental Science and Geology. Many people who wish to become doctors, environmental scientists, nurses, nutritionists, physicists and chemists should know the basics of Chemistry to shine in their subjects. Importance of learning Chemistry Chemistry helps us know the chemicals used in our cooking and cleaning. It throws an idea about household chemicals and the way we have to handle them. Which chemicals to keep close to us and which ones to keep far away, what to mix and what not to mix. Students who know the value of chemicals used in our day to day life turn out to be good cooks, nutritionists and doctors. Chemistry opens up various career options as its usage is found in many fields. In fields like food industry, transportation, art, home making, retail sales etc. Having knowledge of Chemistry helps you understand product labels and also you can make informed decisions. Decisions about how a product works, whether it is worth buying and whether  the advertisement about the product is valid or not . You are able to understand the environmental issues better and know how to protect our earth from pollution. Chemistry instills many good life skills like analytical skills, problem solving abilities in you. Thus, it can be understood that forms our lifeline in our various day today activities. Activities with its chemical actions and uses. Learning the subject with interest makes us realize the utmost fun of doing it. The immense value it renders to our life therefore. Still, learning is a tough matter for many since they are not exposed to the subject in the right spirit. It is only an online Chemistry tutor who can compensate this lacuna in learning for students. Chemistry homework help-you need it for intense subject understanding Chemistry symbols are many and they lead you in the wrong way when you handle them at random for solving equations. The result is the cumbersome homework on your part with incomplete answers. Forgetting the symbols on time is also a basic issue while sitting for exams. Chemistry Homework help is the right choice for students while solving difficult sums and equations. Assignments are yet another issue for which students can seek best assignment help from reputed tutoring sites like Tutor Pace and burst their mysteries in the air. Online help for doing Chemistry is the way to ace the subject and enjoy its fun aspect with interesting activities. [starbox id=admin]